Welcome december ^^
Masuk bulan desember, bulannya dubu. 14 day ONEW challenge ! Cuma sekedar project pribadi buat memperingati harinya dubu, 14 desember. Berharap, walaupun dubu makin tua semoga sangtae nya semakin "sesuatu". I LOVE DUBU EVERAFTER.
Sebenernya bulan kemarin punya birthday project Onew plus Minho, barengan teh aynun-istri minho, 100 fanfic challenge, tapi project kandas di tengah jalan! Teh aynun beralasan kalo "Lok, seenggaknya fanficnya harus selesai tanggal 9. Saya sibuk." :p Padahal saya udah maksa sebisa mungkin.. ^^ Ya sudah, saya jalan sendiri dengan challenge ini. Moga engga kandas di tengah jalan juga ya.
(14 day ONEW challenge : Day 1) Onew's Smile
**Onew's smile, worth. 1,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollar! Cukup menjelaskan seberapa berharganya senyum sama ketawanya onew.
**Onew has the most sincere smile.
Kalau onew ketawa atau senyum, ibarat kita nyeritain lelucon pertama di dunia ke onew. Silly! That's my onew..
**Onew laughs is everything
Salah satu shawol pernah bilang, "I think Onew has the most beautiful, the most handsome, the most sincere smile in this whole world. He’s always smiling, no matter if it’s ok or not. Some times i want to give him some slap and tell him” it’s Ok you can be yourself infront of SHAWOL we never judge you because we love you.” But i’m an hypocrite cuz i want to see him smiling like this forever and ever. He’s the best with his Onew condition. We know it, right?" Semua MVP ngerasain hal yang sama, baby.. ^^
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