Heartstrings Ost Yonghwa Because I Miss You (ost ending episode 2)

Lagu ketiga terkeren yang muncul di Heartstrings.. Di akhir episode 2, dikejutkan sama lagu yang daleem ini. ^^ Artinya dalem banget.. Beberapa informasi dari banyak fans, kalau Yonghwa secara special men-composed lagu ini.. Aaah.. keren..
Lagu ini special dari Lee Shin buat ayahnya. Ya, Lee Shin terbiasa hidup tanpa seorang ayah, ibunya bahkan engga membiarkan dirinya tau siapa ayahnya. Tapi, episode 2 merupakan pertemuan pertama kali Lee Shin dengan ayah kandungnya. Sediiih.. sedih.. T.T

Title : because I miss you
Artist : Yonghwa CNBLUE
늘 똑같은 하늘에 늘 같은 하루
그대가 없는 것 말고는 달라진 게 없는데
난 보낸 줄 알았죠. 다 남김 없이
아니죠, 아니죠, 난 아직 그대를 못보냈죠.
그리워 그리워서 그대가 그리워서 매일 난 혼자서만 그대를 부르고 불러봐요.
보고파 보고파서 그대가 보고파서 이제 난 습관처럼 그대 이름만 부르네요, 오늘도.
하루하루가 죽을 것만 같은데 어떻게 해야 해요?
사랑해 사랑해요. 그대를 사랑해요. 말조차 못하고서 그대를 그렇게 보냈네요.
미안해 미안해요. 내 말이 들리나요? 뒤늦은 내 고백을 그댄 들을 수 있을까요?

Versi 1 :
Because I Miss You by Jung Yong Hwa (Heartstrings original soundtrack)
Alway the exactly same sky and always the same day
Only thing that is different is that you are not here
I thought I've let you go. Without anything left
No, no. I still haven't been able to let you go
Longing for you, I am longing for you.
Because I am longing for you, I call you and call you by myself everyday
Missing you, I am missing you.
Because I am missing you, now I just call out your name like a habit.
Even today
Day by day, I feel like I am dying, so what could I do?
Love you, Love you. I love you.
Without even being able to tell you these, I've had to let you go like that
Sorry, I am sorry.
Can you hear me? Could you be able to hear my late confession?
I love you.

Under the same sky, on the same day
Other than your not being here, everything's the same
I thought I'll let go
Not leaving anything behind
No, no, no, I can't yet, can't let you go yet
Missing you, missing you, msissing you so much
Everyday I'm alone, calling you and calling you
Want to see you, want to see want to see you
Just like a routine, I call out your name
Like I used to do
Every tomorrow I feel I'm going to die
What should I do
I love you, I love you, I love you only
I can't even seapk a word but just let you go
Sorry sorry do you hear me?
My late confession, Can you hear it
I love you

[English translation of the lyrics is by Kay77. ]
credit : soompi dramabeans
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